Free Communications

12th EEHNC: Call for abstracts

Abstracts should deal with experimental studies on equine nutrition or with cases providing novel insights or hypotheses relevant to equine health or performance. Submitting abstracts dealing with the congress theme(s) is strongly encouraged.

A call for abstracts will be open from October 1st until December 1st, 2024. Please submit your abstracts to:

All abstracts will initially be submitted for Poster Presentations. Authors of accepted posters will need to bring a hard copy of their poster and submit a screen presentation [mini-PowerPoint: 5-slides max, no sound] to be able to display the posters on screen at the different congress locations.

A limited number of relevant abstracts may be invited for a short oral presentation in the research meeting that is provisionally scheduled on Thursday, March 13 (morning). This session is a follow-up of previous EEHNC editions and is dedicated to the validation of “in-vitro systems for assessing equine gastrointestinal tract health and updates related to the BACIN2DLIVER project”. This track is open to advanced researchers & PhD students working on this topic. If you do not wish to be considered for an oral presentation, please indicate this in your email when submitting the abstract.

Abstract format

The 12th abstract submission format is similar to the format from the 11th EEHNC. Submissions will be open from October 1st, 2024, until December 1, 2024.


The abstract should be submitted as a WORD document to:

Page margins should be set at 2.5 cm from the left margin, 2.5 cm from the right margin, 2.5 cm from the top and 2.5 cm from the bottom. All texts should be prepared in Times (New Roman) with minimum font size 12 and single line spacing. The abstract may contain a maximum of 375 words (from intro to conclusion; excluding references). The use of abbreviated references (first author et al. year. journal details) is optional but should be kept to a minimum using numbers in tekst. The abstract must be constructed using the following sections: title, authors, affiliations, hypothesis/objectives, material and methods, results, conclusions, funding statement, and references.

The abstract title should be printed in bold and with font size 14, followed by authors in 14. The presenter of the abstract should be underlined. Then in font 12: between authors and the affiliations, the corresponding author’s e-mail should be added.

Click on the button below to download the word lay-out example. 

Abstract Submission

The 12th EEHNC call for abstracts will be open from October 1 - December 1, 2024

The abstract should be submitted as a WORD document to:

Submissions for the 12th EEHNC will only be considered from the submission deadline: October 1st 2024.

All submitted abstracts for the 12th EEHNC must be based on studies that have received appropriate ethical approval, in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.

The author notification date/status is scheduled for December 22nd, 2024 at the latest. If you need an early quick review in relation to acceptance, please contact the congress secretary David van Doorn via (Please contact us no earlier than 5 days after your abstract submission). Submissions will be managed by Dr Andrea Ellis.

General procedures, terms and conditions

The abstract should be submitted as a WORD document to:

The decisions of the scientific committee are final.

An accepted abstract, submitted before the submission deadline, allows access to the congress for the early bird registration fee.

After submission, a notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent following review from independent referees. When asked for revision of your Abstract please submit your revision by return to the request mail within 6 days of the request.

Authors of accepted posters will need to bring a hard copy of their poster and submit a screen presentation [mini-powerpoint: 5-slides max, no sound] to be able to display the posters on screen at the different congress locations.

We advise you to submit your abstract as soon as possible. Please indicate upon your submission if a quick revision is required for allocating institutional budget for reimbursement of costs from your funding institute.

We encourage authors to ask a native English speaker and/or use software to critically review their abstract prior to abstract submission. Unclear writing as well as differentiating from the indicated format may lead to immediate rejection of your abstract.