Congress Organisation
2019 |
The 9th EEHNC was organised in the city Centre of Utrecht in close cooperation with the University of Utrecht. The Theme was "Small Things". The 9th EEHNC focused on how the understanding of one small thing may provide insight into many things. Bacteria, funghi, nutrients, genes, toxins and dust in feed are all “small things” that could affect or interact with the health of the equine athlete. |
2017 |
The 8th EEHNC was organised in the historical centre of Antwerp, Belgium. The congress theme was "From Nutrition to disease and back". |
2015 |
The 7th EEHNC took place from March 26-27, 2015 and was dedicated to "Feeding the Equine Athlete". Human and equine exercise physiologist, nutritionists but also topriders like Olympic Medaillist Anky van Grunsven and representatives from sport organisations and team veterinarians participated in this congress edition. The congress took place in the surroundings of the historic city center of Bruges ("Brugge"), Belgium. |
2013 |
The 6th EEHNC was organised from March 1-2, 2013 in close cooperation with Ghent University at "Het Pand". The 6th edition of the EEHNC was dedicated to "Feeding for Gastrointestinal Health". One day focussed on the relationship between feed and gastrointestinal health and the prevention of gastrointestinal problems of horses. The second day of the program focussed on feeding the horse with gastrointestinal problems. |
2011 |
The 5th European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress was organised in 2011 to prevent overlap with the Equine Nutrition Workshop. The 5th EEHNC took place at Waregem, Belgium, in cooperation with Ghent University. This congress was dedicated to the theme "Feeding the Muscles". To celebrate the 250 Aniversary of the veterinary profession and the presence of our 5th EEHNC congress in Waregem, the city council of Waregem organised and facilitated an exhibition that presented the development of the equine veterinary profession. This exhibition was entitled "Paardenmiddels" (Dutch title, red.) and was organised in cooperation with EEHNC partners but also with other partners. A book representing the content of this exhibition was also published by the city of Waregem. |
2008 |
The 4th EEHNC took place in 2008 at Wageningen University, the Netherlands, in cooperation with the Animal Nutrition Group. |
2006 |
The 3rd European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress (EEHNC) took place at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium. In 2006 our congress has been taken up in the database of CABI-publishing (proceedings and abstracts) and our proceedings are also available through a non-profit organisation established to provide information to veterinarians, veterinary students and animal health professionals worldwide using Internet technology. |
2004 |
Our second congress took place at the Equine Research Facility of the “Waiboerhoeve Centre for Cattle, Sheep and Horses” in Lelystad. |
2003 |
In 2003, the congress organisation welcomed new partners. Wageningen University and Research Centre (NL), the Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Department of Large Animal Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University (Belgium) joined us in the organisation of this congress. |
2002 |
First congress at the surroundings of the Zoo of Antwerp. |